ZETIA Helps Fight
Cholesterol Differently.
ZETIA helps lower cholesterol differently.
com m on
medicines, are a good option. They work mainly with
the liver. ZETIA works in the digestive tract, as do
some other cholesterol-lowering medicines.
But ZETIA is unique in the way it helps block the
absorption of cholesterol that comes from food.
Unlike some statins, ZETIA
has not been shown to
prevent heart disease or
heart attacks.
A healthy diet and exercise
are important, but sometimes
they’re not enough to get your
cholesterol where it needs to
be. ZETIA can complement
your efforts. When added to
healthy diet,
lower bad cholesterol (LDL) by an average of 18%.
Individual results may vary.
Important Risk Information About ZETIA:
ZETIA is a prescription medicine and should not be
taken by people who are allergic to any of its ingredi-
ents. If you have ever had liver problems, are nursing
or pregnant or may become pregnant, a doctor will
decide if ZETIA alone is right for you.
Unexplained muscle pain or weakness could be a sign
of a rare but serious side effect
and should be reported to your
doctor right away. In clinical
studies, patients reported few
side effects while taking ZETIA.
These included diarrhea, joint
pains, and tiredness.
You are encouraged to report
negative side effects of pre-
scription drugs to the FDA.
Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch,
Please read the more detailed information
about ZETIA on the adjacent page.
For more
information, call
or visit
ZETIA works in the digestive tract,
not the liver, to help block
the absorption of cholesterol
that comes from food.
or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
A different way to help fight cholesterol
Ask your doctor if
ZETIA is right for you.
To find Ollt if you qualify, call
MERCX/ScheringT>»ough Pharmaceuticals
Copyright © Mmk/Srhering-Plough Pharmaceuticals. 201ft A ll rights rewnvd. 20950062<>)iSX>>.zet
ZETIA is a registered trademark of MSP Singapore Company, LLC
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